VirtualBox guest

Running arch as a VBox gues

Share folder

Stop your virtual machine.

Install the extension pack for VirtualBox.

Start your virtual machine and install virtualbox-guest-utils.

pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils

Choose virtualbox-guest-modules-arch.

Reboot your virtual machine.

Add your user to vboxsf group.

usermod -aG vboxsf root

Create a shared folder on VirtualBox.

Reboot your virtual machine.

Mount your folder to test.

mount -t vboxsf YOUR-VBOX-SHARE-NAME /windows

Umount the volume.

umount /windows

Edit your fstab.

nano /etc/fstab

Add this line (example).

YOUR-VBOX-SHARE-NAME    /windows    vboxsf    rw    0 0

Mount it.

mount -a

Last updated